
So it’s been almost a year since I reared my ugly head on here so I thought now was a good time to resurface! My running may have lapsed and our fundraising target for the British Liver Trust has (for now) been reached- this time I’m asking you to have a conversation  which may not… Continue reading #WordsSaveLives

Great North Run 2017

    So yesterday was THE DAY. And what a day it was! On the Metro on the way to the start line, I genuinely thought I was going to be sick with nerves! Admittedly I was worrying about a lot of things: had I trained enough, would any previous injuries flare up, would I… Continue reading Great North Run 2017

A few successes to share…

Firstly let me apologise for my distinct silence for the last month or so! I’ve been busy working on the NCS programme with a team of 11 wonderful young people (NCS is a government funded programme for 16-17 year olds- Google it for more info, I highly recommend it for all young people, people looking… Continue reading A few successes to share…